Get a sonnenBatterie Quote

Take control of your own energy future with the sonnenBatterie Solar Battery Storage system.
Solar Battery Storage and sonnenFlat Helps You Achieve $0 Power Bills For Up To 10 Years.
Become independent from your energy retailer when you purchase an eligible Cool or Cosy solar system and sonnenBatterie in Adelaide. Sign up for sonnenFlat and receive a guaranteed amount of energy for $0 per month for up to 10 years (minimum sign up is for 24 months) *.
Get true peace of mind and escape the rising power costs by placing your energy future into your own hands.
sonnenFlat Tariff Plan
Register Your Interest for the SA Government Home Battery Scheme
How the sonnenBatterie works to save you money
Store energy while the sun is shining and use it day or night – never worry about the lights going out.
The sonnenBatterie is a hi-tech solar battery storage system that has proven itself in thousands of households every day, outperforming other batteries in its class. Made in Germany, this durable, intelligent energy manager meets high standards of safety and quality.
Australian made, German design.
sonnen is the European market leader with more than 40,000 batteries now in homes across Europe and the world. Now, with the opening of Australia’s first sonnen manufacturing plant here in South Australia, sonnen’s innovative energy storage technology is readily available locally.
Better managed energy use for bigger savings.
sonnen’s intelligent Active Energy Manager learns how you use energy across the day and night to optimise your consumption. Depending on the weather forecast, time of day and your use, it automatically switches between solar, battery-stored and grid energy to power your home with the cheapest available source. The battery also recharges across the day, leaving you with plenty for the evening when retail prices are highest.

Register Your Interest for the SA Government Home Battery Scheme

Save money on power bills and declare energy independence
- 10 Year, 10,000 cycle warranty
- Long lasting with a 20 Year design life expectation
- Intelligent management system optimises household usage during the day
- Protect the environment with self-produced energy free from carbon emissions
- High quality, durable components – a complete system ready for connection
- Emergency power supply for outages and black outs
- Harvest cheaper energy to use later – day and night, 24 hours per day
- sonnen App performance tracker – monitor, analyse and control household supply and demand